Volume: 44 Issue: 6, 2/7/11

Year: 2010

Original Article

Research Article

1. Anatomic and reverse shoulder prostheses in fracture sequelae of the humeral head

Research Article

2. Free coracoacromial ligament graft for augmentation of massive rotator cuff tears treated with mini-open repair

Research Article

4. Thrust plate prosthesis for proximal femoral deformity: a series of 15 patients

Research Article

6. Validity of ultrasonography in surgically treated zone 2 flexor tendon injuries

Research Article

8. Anatomical variations of iliolumbar artery and its relation with surgical landmarks

Research Article

9. What do patients recall from informed consent given before orthopedic surgery?

Experimental Study

Research Article

1. Effect of hyperbaric oxygen and ozone preconditioning on oxidative/nitrosative stress induced by tourniquet ischemia/reperfusion in rat skeletal muscle

Research Article

2. Comparison of anti-edema effects of iloprost and diclofenac sodium on traumatic rat paw edema

Case Report

Research Article

1. Rice body mass formation mimicking a neoplastic disease around the trochanteric bursae of the hip

Research Article

2. Thermal crush injury of the hand caused by roller type ironing press machine

CME Credit Questionnaire

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